Diego Antona

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Diego Antona

Antona, Diego. Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Kalysis GRUPO

ANID Chairman KALYSIS GRUPO Chairman and CEO

Diego AntonaDiego Antona

ANID & KALYSIS' founder. Executive VP & Managing Partner of KALYSIS, SA de CV (Mexico). National Co-Organiser of EUROWARDS, El Placer de Emprender and Clever Networking (Spain). President of ANID (Spain). Coordinator of eLearning and eTraining for the European Network of Excellence eCulture Net.

Coordinator of the FP6 Integrated Project BELE for broadband foreign language teaching. Diego Antona, pioneer in SGML/XML standards, 3G/UMTS applications, and network uses of Smart Cards, possess the first patents at OEPM and IMPI in the field of Digital ID and Digital Cash: Advanced Electronic Signature - DNI Electrónico.

Patente Diego Antona

In ONI SGPS participated with EDEN in the definition of convergence and Investments of the IP Network for the companies OniOne, OniSolutions and Oni Grandes Redes. The redefinition proposal of the OniOne Business Plans; interactive strategy for the UMTS platform of ONIWay and contents strategy Average-Rich Content, for multimedia platforms. ONIWay Business Manager of 3G/UMTs Accounts, project “CoolSync”, standard SyncML, 2000-2001.

7thBis Call IST Programme European Commission, with Oracle Mobile (December 2001). CoolSync: Universal Synchronisation of Mobile Devices for 3G Platforms. Co-ordinator, Diego Antona; Scientific & Technological Partner, Eric Lagier, Director of I+D of Oracle Mobile.

International Business Development Director of Germinus s. XXI. and Germinus Solutions (2000-2002, Spain) Developed process methodology, viability analysis of new business, work teams and strategic definition of its ASP and service portfolio.

Management of Business Germinus Solutions Communications (2001-2002) Defined the strategic concept Platforms and Applications Convergence Strategy (PACS), on which the technological developments of Broadlab were developed. Participated in the concept and requirements of business, product definition , marketing equipment and materials, manager distribution alliances and channels of Xteps Content Management, the first manager of multicompany, multiplatform, multilanguage contents and standard multiformat, ASP model, compatible with Third Generation platforms (certified SUN Tone in progress) and Xteps Groupware Tools, intranet multicompany use. Together with XContent facilitates dealing with the creation of complex sites and intranets in application servers in a modular and scalable way. Continued Improvement Plan (CEM, September 2001) Optimisation implementation of processes in Germinus Communications. Processes, Human resources and business documentation.

NTIC, Net. Malaga 2001. 5th Convention of the BDPME on New Technologies (Small and Medium sized company Development Bank, May 2001).

Analysis of Technological Investments. Advisor for the Information technology co-ordination of the Latin American institute for educational communication, UNESCO.

New Technologies Board Member of Public Education Secretariat and of General Archive of the Nation, 1998-2000.

Guest Lecturer in Research Management, attached to the General Management of Academic Computing Services DGSCA, UNAM, 1997-1999, an assiduous participant from 1998 in General computation congresses in Mexico. Recognised as a pioneer in Internet standards, created the first SGML/XML server and documents in Spanish, UNAM (1997) Since 1998 has collaborated with the University committee for the development of Internet (CUDI) in Internet seminars and projects (Responsible for Digital Libraries in Internet2), given conferences and advised degree thesis.

Co-ordinator of portal “Cervantes Virtual ”, University of Alicante – Marcelino Botín Foundation , Banco de Santander - Cervantes Institute, in Mexico (2000).

Co-ordinator of prize “The Medieval Miniature Compendium Project”, National Library and Newspaper Library of Mexico. Co-ordinator of News Production Site for TELEVISA, Espacio'99.

Director of Internet (1998) and Intranet (2000) Project Technology; Serpanet , SDL, on-line documentation systems under regulation ISO-9000 for Pan American Protection Service. The most important market share private security company and transport in Latin America.

Director of the RedEscolar Digital Library, (ILCE-SEP-UNESCO), extends this to “Navigator” and "Digital Magazine". Capacity of personnel assigned to RedEscolar. Digital Projects Co-ordinator for the Secretariat of Public Education, Internet and CD-ROMs projects in Telesecundaria, SEP, the collections “Science from Mexico”, for the editorial Economic Culture Fund and of Electronic Publications for the General Archive of the Nation. As advisor for Information technology co-ordination of ILCE and of the SEP participated in the multimedia macroproject committee National Educational Videoteca (Mexico, 2000) Formed the equipment and concept of the DGSCA Digital Library (UNAM) under SGML/XML standards –recently UNIVERSIA has signed a collaboration agreement under maximum quality standards - and the Digital Anuies Newspaper Library (National Associations of Universities and Higher Education Institutions), and collaborated with Multimedia projects for the Embassy of France in Mexico.

International Collaborations: University of Berkeley and Columbia, expansion and definition of standard EAD Encoded Archival Description, and of the Society of American Archivists.

The first SGML/XML navigator version in Spanish, Hybrick, for Fujitsu Laboratories, and for UNESCO, MicroIsis. President of ANID - National Association of Didactic Researchers, Spain- from 1996. Official Lecturer at the Ministry of Foreign affairs (1996)


MBA (Ministry of Industry and Energy - EOI), Masters in Communication Sciences (UNAM), 1st cycle Advanced Industrial engineering (ICAI), Graduate in Humanities at the University of Salamanca and Graduate in Communication Sciences at the University of Siena. Engineer in Electronics' studies, ICAI, Madrid.

Diego Antona - 5.0 out of 5 based on 14 votes