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Category: devices Written by KALYSIS Hits: 2502

Description of the KB ( Bluetooth Key )

Built specifically to comply with the legal regulations of the digital tachograph, it is able to adapt equally to the diagnostic port of your vehicle, and thanks to its Bluetooth communication capability , be used in Access Control systems of vehicles, employees, or goods .

The most innovative feature is that it allows all types of combinations: a company with several vehicles and drivers, or drivers working for different companies and different vehicles, without having to make investments in embedded systems or specific installations by tachograph.

Download Digital Tachograph Remote

Thanks to the KB device, the company does not have to worry about downloading data manually. The device is programmed to perform the data dump automatically, remotely and with the periodicity that the customer decides (even punctual and instant, if it is needed, in case of a fine or accident). The data download is done using your Smartphone via GPRS, 3G or Wi- Fi , making a treatment of the information in a 100% safe way.

The Bluetooth capability of the KB makes it a very attractive device - technology beacons - for the transport sector, being also open for its Bluetooth communication with other devices in the market, especially Smartphones , expanding the range of uses and possibilities in IoT ecosystems Present and future, from electronic payment to fleet management and interaction with third party devices and sensors .

What does it consist of?

Remote (and unattended) driver card and digital tachograph download

KALYSIS offers an innovative remote download service for driver card data and digital tachographs via the Bluetooth Keyboard ( KB ).

It allows the download of the data without the need of intervention of the driver. Those who manage these data may choose to download them at any time ( total , between dates , since last download ) or to download them periodically and automated (download unattended), always respecting the technical and legal requirements By the European Union.

The KB device is a "cold device", CE & RoHS certified, to be used permanently in the communication port of the digital tachograph. It is the only one of the market that has been certified ex profeso for this, being able to be used from military vehicles to the transport of dangerous goods. It also supports a wide voltage range that allows it to be used with all types of vehicles while maintaining its functionality without limitations.

Another feature of its communications is its "Autobaudio" functionality that allows you to automatically set the highest possible transfer speed, especially reducing download times for large files.


Advantages of remote download

Thanks to the use of the KB system it is guaranteed the download of tachograph and driver card data within the required deadlines.

The best guarantee against carelessness that can lead to penalties of up to 6,000 euros.

Important savings in time and cost: no longer have to perform periodically in each vehicle downloading information manually.

The business card will always be in their offices.

Manual download times estimation

Result using manual download

Benefits KB

The value added to the remote download

* Standard connector that dictates the European standard.

Transfer Process

Driver card data download is automatic. To download the Digital Tachograph data, it is necessary to enter the Company card in the tachograph, or have it registered with a card reader on your PC, without leaving your office:

1.       Establishment of connection between the KB connected to the Tachograph and paired to the smartphone.

2.       The authentication between the Company card and the Tachograph is carried out.

3.       Safe data download between the Tachograph, from where the data and KB are stored and encrypted.

Four.       The encrypted data is transferred to the Remote Server.

5.       Transfer of data through secure connection from the Remote Server to the company's PC.

Other Functions

Fleet Management

Cold chain


KCloud (KC)

The control center for your downloads is called KCloud (KC). From this application developed to operate in the cloud, the entire KB system is managed and configured.

Business card
KCloud can use all the business cards you need. Even to extract the data from the driver card, any number of vehicles in which you work do not need a business card.

Driver's card
KCloud automatically downloads driver cards when detected and saves them as if they had been downloaded remotely. All downloads are centralized.

Downloading Files
The KCloud system always stores and stores your data, in addition KCloud allows you to configure a folder on your PC where all downloads will be stored.

Uploading files
KCloud supports third-party applications. Simply by putting your username and password the downloads are sent directly to your data analysis application. By default KCloud supports OPTAC3 and TACONET. KCloud integrates with the ERP of your business.

KB Team Configuration
KB computers do not need to be configured. You should only follow a very simple procedure to use them as a company: first place the KB in the tachograph with the inserted company card; KCloud configures the PIN and its company data through the App (KA). You can also use your company card without leaving the office, registering it in KCloud with the card reader on your PC. All ready to start working.

As a driver: you do not need to do anything, just insert your KB into the front port of your tachograph.

Vehicle and Driver Consulting
KCloud allows you to search among all the drivers and vehicles in your fleet. You can download files again, check the expected dates of unloading, the position of your vehicle or the driver that is in the cabin.

KCloud generates alerts when a download could be delayed. From the interface you can configure the e-mail addresses that will be notified if any incidents occur.


Install KB

No installation is required to use KB in each vehicle. KB does not require configuration. It is always ready to go. Remember to register business cards in KCloud .

Installing KCloud

The user interface for Cloud is a Web application.

You only need a username and password to identify yourself.

You do not need to do anything every time you install a new KB in your fleet. KCloud automatically registers the KBs you want.

You do not need to use the company card to perform remote downloads.

Compatibility of Tachographs

Compatible with all tachographs that have a front discharge port to which the KB is connected according to European standard.

Without voltage limitations it supports all types of power from the digital tachograph.

Analysis of data

KB simplifies the entire process of tachograph and driver card data management. KB, together with the KCloud control software, automatically sends the downloaded files to the data analysis program used by your company.

KCloud allows you, independently:

Regardless of whether you use an application to analyze the data platform, KB warns you by e-mail or SMS if it was not possible to download a tachograph or driver card and the term may expire. Never forgetting or delaying downloads.

KB supports the following applications by default through the KCloud application:


Ask us if you want to integrate KB into your analysis or ERP system.

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